
Monday, 22 January 2018

Where Have I Been?

So where have I been? I last wrote a blog post on the 22nd August 2016, which is actually crazy. I never thought it was actually that long since I published content on my blog. For the past couple of weeks, I've really been thinking about my blog and how I really miss making content and the interaction that I used to have when I blogged. I really miss exploring other blogs, writing comments and connecting with the blogging community. My last post was all about taking the plunge and starting my driving lessons and it's weird to think that I've still not passed my driving test. If anyone would like a post about my driving lesson experience, let me know in the comments.

I have really been reflecting on quite a few things recently and one of the things I've been thinking about is, why I stopped blogging. In August 2016, I was going to start my second year of College, studying my Level 3 in Childcare whilst resitting my GCSE Maths too. I had a lot of stress and pressures going on in my life at the point, I worked a part time job where I was actually working 25-30 hours a week, as well as doing my placements, college, my assignments and learning to drive. I put a lot of pressure on myself and blogging sort of took a back step. I really regret letting it take a back step because blogging is something I love and adore doing.

Over the last 19 months, a lot of things have happened, at one point I ended up having 2 jobs and worked over 60 hours a week combined. I've done some amazing things; I went to concerts, I went on holiday and I learned to love my life. My life only really became unhappy again around October 2017 and since then it's been very rocky.

That is why I have decided to start my blog up again, write content that I love and hopefully be accepted back into the blogging community and be a part of something great.

Let me know in the comments, what content you would like to see.

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