
Saturday, 7 March 2015

One Line A Day: A Five - Year Memory Book - My New Project.

Hello everyone! I hope you are having a lovely March whatever you are doing! I am building up my revision time and trying to follow my revision timetable. I will hopefully be putting a post up about my revision timetable and some tips and things that help me revise! I know some of my readers may not be at school any more and may not need to revise but for those readers or people that would like some advice, that post will be for you! Now today's post is about my One Line A Day project and now it probably isn't a project to some people but for me it is. 

Basically on Instagram I saw this book on someone's page (I cannot remember who) and I was so intrigued by it. I had never had a memory book and certainly not one that I could write 5 years worth in it. Although I've never been interested until now. I mean I had a diary when I was little but who didn't and now I feel it's time to document the ongoings in my life and reflect upon them year by year and this book will help me do this. 

I was also intrigued not by the colour and the concept of this book but by the pages. When you look at the book pages from the outside they are golden and they look so amazing. It is such a beautiful book and it literally goes with most things. 

The reason why this book is my project is because I find it hard to remember to write in books and this will motivate me to do this and to write about something I have done in my day. 

The pages are quite plain but I like how simple it is. All you simply do is at the date which for this year it will be '2015' and you write in the top box. I've worked out that I will have this book till I am 21 which means I can document some really exciting things (hopefully) over the years. 

"This classic memory keeper is the perfect way to track the ups and downs of life, day by day. The 365 daily entries appear five times on each page. Allowing users to revisit previous thoughts and memories over five years as they return to each page to record the current day's events." 

I really love the concept of this book and I feel that if you just want to put positive things in it, you go for it. I intend to put mostly good memories that happens on that particular day but if something bad happens I will document it too.

So this post is quite a short one but I just thought I'd tell you a little project that I am doing for myself. I am really enjoying doing this and I started it on January 1st 2015. I actually got this as a Christmas present - so I was so happy!

You can now buy this on Amazon for £8.39 but it is usually £11.99 and if you are interested you can buy it here. 

Have you ever done a project like this? What are your favourite projects to do?

1 comment:

  1. This is so cool, I really want to get one!
