
Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Interviewing other bloggers and youtubers: Megan (Thumbelina Lillie)

Hello everyone. So this is my final instalment of my interviewing other bloggers and youtubers series. I have really enjoyed sharing this series with you and I will have a post with all of the links to all of the youtubers/bloggers in a favourite bloggers/youtubers post in April. If you didn't see the post that explained this whole series then you can read it here. The reason behind this short series is that I wanted to interview a few of my favourite bloggers and youtubers and see what their answers would be to the questions I had thought of. I thought this would be a nice way to show you some of my favourite youtubers and bloggers too. I did email quite a few of them but some of them have never got back to me, so I will just be sharing those that got back to me.

Your Photo

Firstly I would like to say that this image is from Megan's blog Thumbelina Lillie and is only being used for the sole purpose of this post. All credit goes to Megan.

So now that I've had a good ramble on. Let's get started on my last person who kindly let me interview them; Megan from the blog 'Thumbelina Lillie'. She is one of my favourite blogs to read and I love her youtube videos too. Can I also get a high five for the fact that we are both called Megan? Megan is 20 years old and is a North- East England born and bred eager beauty and fashion blogger. Funnily enough I am also born and bred in the North - East of England. Megan started her blog in October 2012 and has been posting regularly ever since. Megan states on her blog that she has always had a real passion for all things related to fashion and beauty. 

Now that you know a little bit more about Megan and her blog Thumbelina Lillielet's see what her answers were to the questions asked.

1. What inspires you with your blog/YouTube?

I find inspiration from almost everywhere but mostly from reading other blogs and watching other channels. They always inspire me and give me ideas for content (without copying obviously)! I also get inspiration from shopping about and my surroundings, for example I went to a tea room the other day and that inspired me for a post - you really can gather ideas from everywhere!

2. Did you have a goal in mind when starting your blog/YouTube?

Not at all! I totally had zero idea of where it would go and if anyone would even read it! It was completely a spur of the moment thing and began being a little hobby of mine as I'd always loved fashion and beauty so to be able to talk about it all the time via my blog was amazing.

3. If there is one tip you could give someone what would it be?

'Remember why and where you started'

4. The hardest thing about blogging/YouTube?

I'd definitely say it's trying to keep on top of everything. It's obviously not a ten minute kind of thing. After you've gone through all the effort of photographing/filming, writing, editing etc etc, you have all the tasks like social media and emailing the right people and adding links etc. It's certainly a lot more work that it seems - it's still really fun however!

5. Most rewarding thing about blogging/YouTube?

Without a doubt it's putting a smile on other people's faces. Once you begin to have quite a few readers you have no idea how people begin to look up to you and how many people you make smile. It's so heartwarming.

6. One word to describe blogging/YouTube?

Ooooh, 'FABULOUS!'

I would like to thank Megan for taking part and answering these questions for me and it also shares with you, what other bloggers and youtubers think.

I really recommend you popping by Megan's blog, as she has fabulous photography.

Megan's links:


Thank you all for reading, I hope you have a lovely day and I hope you've enjoyed this series! 

Sunday, 29 March 2015

The Face Behind ThePerksOfMeg.

Hello everyone. Today's post is a little different today as I thought I would do a lifestyle/personal post today and this post is so you can get to know me better. I know that I have an 'About Me' page but today I thought I'd share some facts that I don't share in every day situations. I hope you like it and if you have any questions do leave them in the comments below.

So, I'm Megan. My middle name is Reanne and I'm 16 years old. My birthday is 8th October and my favourite season is Autumn.

I live with my nana and grandad who I love very dearly and I wouldn't be without them. They've had me since I was a baby and I love living with them. I see my Dad on weekends along with my little brother Alfie. I am one of 11 siblings and I have no real brothers or sisters and never will have. I only have half brothers or sisters but that's okay. I am the second oldest from both my mum's side and my dad's side. From my mum's side I have 1 older brother and 4 younger brothers and 2 younger sisters (this is only what I know) and from my dad's side I have 1 older sister and 2 younger brothers. I never see my mum and that is my choice. I don't want to and that's the end of that story really.

My first holiday abroad was in 2013 and that was to Portugal with my Auntie and Uncle. I went dancing when I was 3 until I was 6 and then I quit. I also did amateur dramatics from the age of 11 for 3 years and then I also quit that. I also have starred in school productions all my life until 2013 but for 3 years I have done Shakespeare For Schools Festival and have loved it. My last year was in October and now that is the end for drama for me. I find that I get bored of things quite easily but if I push myself I really can do it.

Since Year 9 I have taken my GCSE's and have been doing my exams since the age of 13. In year 9 I did French and Geography. I passed Geography and got a C and I got a D in French. In Year 10 I did GCSE Drama, GCSE English Literature and I resat French. I did French completed on my own last year and I sat at home in my easter holidays writing French because I submitted new writing pieces and did the exams again. I failed the exams again but I was 1 mark off C when I got my results and I got it remarked and managed to get my C at last and I've never been so happy because I worked so hard. I got a C in Drama and I got an A in English Literature which I couldn't believe but when I reflect I worked so hard for those grades. This year I am studying Childcare, Business, English Language, Maths, Science Core and Science Additional and ICT. I am determined to get in the college of my choice and my ambition in life is to become a Primary School Teacher.

 So in 2014, you may ask. You made a blog? So why haven't you got bored of it? It's because I have been determined and it is a hobby that I love doing. It is something where there isn't rules and regulations. You don't have to write a post if you don't want, you are free to write whatever you want and share whatever you want. (Well not everything but you get what I mean). I love my little creative part of the internet. My blog has been my motivation and at times it has been hard. Sometimes I've had no motivation and even when I was doing my exams I still took time out to write a post. Even if it was only to tell you that I was busy revising. I feel really proud of what I've achieved and you are probably sat reading this saying; what has she achieved? But I've achieved confidence. I can sit and write a blog post and feel like it's okay and not be judged.

I love this little piece of my internet but I have to thank YOU for supporting me!

This post got kind of deep and went off on a tangent but I hope you've learnt something new about me that you didn't already know! This post was kind of pointless but I just thought it would give you an insight into my life.

Have a great day! 

Friday, 27 March 2015

Interviewing other bloggers and youtubers: Em (MyPaleSkin)

Hello everyone. So today I have another instalment of my series and if you would like to read the post that explains this series then you can read it here. The reason behind this short series is that I wanted to interview a few of my favourite bloggers and youtubers and see what their answers would be to the questions I had thought of. I thought this would be a nice way to show you some of my favourite youtubers and bloggers too. 

I would like to say that this image is from Em's blog My Pale Skin and is only being used for the sole purpose of this post. All credit goes to Em.

 Let's get started on Em who kindly let me interview her. Em from the blog 'My Pale Skin' is a twenty something girl who lives in London. Em hates the tube but loves adventuring and she works full - time for a creative agency where she gets to think up and make fun videos and some that are not so fun for a living. Em is a massive beauty fan and on her blog she tells her readers all about her loves, loathes and advice based on her first hand experience. Em's not only has a blog but also has a youtube and I read her blog and watch her videos whenever a new one goes up. 

I will link all of Em's social media at the end of this post. 

Now that you know a little bit more about Em and her blog My Pale Skin, let's see what her answers were to the questions asked.

1. What inspires you with your blog/Youtube?
What inspires me the most is receiving emails, tweets and messages from bloggers, readers or even people who have stumbled across my blog online and have felt inspired to ditch the fake tan and feel confident in their own skin. My Pale Skin isn't a blog about looking as pale as possible. It's a place of self discovery to learn how to feel confident in your own skin and improve self confidence.
2. Did you have a goal in mind when starting your blog/youtube?
I never intended to start a blog, I only really created one after a few make up looks I'd created and posted on a forum led to lots of requests for me to start a blog. So if anything, it was to make other people happy as much as it free therapy for me to write down my thoughts in my 'self improvement' style lifestyle posts. My Pale Skin is the accidental blog that I wouldn't change for the world!
3. If there is one tip you could give someone what would it be?
Just do it. Be yourself and don't be afraid to post against the grain of 'what is popular' as you may be surprised!
4. The hardest thing about blogging/youtube?
The hardest thing about blogging/youtube?vlogging for me is time management! I work a hectic full time job and post daily... it's a good job I don't get out much...
5. Most rewarding thing about blogging/youtube?
The most rewarding thing about blogging for me is making new friends and improving my confidence. I don't think i've ever had this many friends in my life. I feel like i'm in a good place currently, with a great support system and can now come out from under my rock. 
6. One word to describe blogging/youtube?

Em's links:

Thank you all for reading, I hope you have a lovely evening! 

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Interviewing other bloggers and youtubers: Maddie Bruce.

Hello everyone and welcome to another interviewing other bloggers and youtubers post. I'm sure you may have seen my post that explained the whole 'why I'm doing this' series but if you haven't you can read it here. But basically I just want to introduce you to some of the bloggers I read and some of the youtubers I watch and I just want to know what they think about things. 

So today I have a youtuber and her name is Maddie Bruce and basically I can't really tell you much as she doesn't really have an 'about me' page like you would on a blog but because if you want to find out about Maddie she has done some videos about her and some Tags and so I'll link a few of those videos down below and you can watch them and enjoy them and even maybe give them a like and maybe even subscribe! Maddie does videos to advice and to talk about past experiences so I will also link those down below because I have found some of them quite helpful! 

Here are a few of her videos where you can learn more about Maddie: 

1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 -
6 -
7 -
8 -
9 -

So now I'm going to let you sit back with a cup of tea and read the interview! 

1. What inspires you with your blog/Youtube?
Other successful youtubers like zoella!
2. Did you have a goal in mind when starting your blog/youtube?
To help people and make them happy with my videos
3. If there is one tip you could give someone what would it be?
Make videos that people want to see... ask them what videos they want you to film
4. The hardest thing about blogging/youtube?
The time consumption! People don't realise the amount of time and effort it takes to sit down and film and then edit it... actually yeah editing is the hardest!
5. Most rewarding thing about blogging/youtube?
People's positive reaction. To know that I've inspired or helped just one person is literally the best feeling in the world.
6. One word to describe blogging/youtube?

I would like to thank Maddie for taking part and answering these questions for me and it also shares with you, what other bloggers and youtubers think.

I really recommend you popping by Maddie's youtube, as she has great advice videos!

Maddie's links:

Thank you all for reading, I hope you have a lovely day!

Sunday, 15 March 2015

The Perks Of Meg 1st Blog Birthday Giveaway.

Hello everyone! So today is a very exciting post for me and as suggested by the title, it is a giveaway post. As you may or may not know, The Perks Of Meg turned 1 on the 15th January 2015 and I wasn't able to put a giveaway up by then as it had just been Christmas. My idea behind this giveaway was to offer you a prize from most of the brands that I had previously worked with over the past year but sadly not all of them have arrived in time and I had already put this off a month for this reason. So I have decided to just giveaway what has already arrived and when the rest arrives, if it ever does, I will do another giveaway with them. Some of the prizes have been sent to me from the brands and I want to thank them so much for this but most of them I have purchased with my own money. I did promise you all this giveaway and I didn't want to let you down.

For some of the prizes I have tried to base them on my favourite brands or favourite products and for some of them I did a review and if you would like to read them, you can here:

- Cocoa Brown Chocolate Whip Review
- Rings and Tings
- Rings and Tings
-Rings and Tings
- Beegood 2-in-1 Cream Cleanser
- Beegood Daily Moisturiser

Also I would just like to say some of my old posts are quite embarrassing, I had little pictures and small text but hopefully people will notice the improvement! I also used to overedit my photos but now I don't even edit them!

-1x Generation Phone Case 
-1x Seventeen Lip Crayon 
-2x Nail Polishes 
-2x Headbands 
- 2x *Rings and Tings Rings
- 1x *Rings and Tings Love Heart Earrings 

The giveaway prizes are worth £76.80, I couldn't link all of them sorry because I couldn't find them.


- You must be following my blog.
- You must be following me on twitter. 
- You must be following me on twitter.
- You will be receiving the above prizes by post.
- This is an international giveaway but some of the prizes may not be able to be sent because of customs.
- No purchase is necessary.
- The blog giveaway will run from 15/03/15 till 15/05/15.
- Complete the rafflecopter below for a chance to win the blog giveaway. 
- If the winner does not contact me within 24 hours, another winner will be chosen.
- Your prizes will be sent out as soon as possible.
- The winner will be announced on twitter.
- The winner will be contacted via email.
- If you are under the age of 16, please get your parents or guardians permission before giving your address out if you were to win.

I would again just like to thank both  Beegood and Rings and Tings for sending me prizes for this giveaway.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I hope you all enjoy this giveaway! Have a lovely March!

*DISCLAIMER: Some of these items have been sent for this giveaway, they are only used for this giveaway. 

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Going Out For Dinner, Disappointing Food.

Hello everyone. Today's post is a bit of a moan as the title suggests with the "disappointing food" in it but I would like to put it out there, that this is not to shame the business in anyway. I just thought I would blog about it because I actually really enjoyed most of this lasagne and I really like this place in general however my Nana and Granddad came with me and they had a Sunday Roast with beef and the meat was not edible and therefore that is kind of why the food was disappointing. 

Basically, Me and my Nana and my Granddad went to Brewers Fayre and I got my usual which was a lasagne and they each got a Sunday Roast with beef. We ordered our food around 11:45am and our food finally arrived at 12:55pm, As you can imagine an hour and 10 minutes wait for food was the first thing that I really disliked. Normally we would get our food within half an hour. I wouldn't have minded but the restaurant wasn't even that full, there was like 6 people in at the time. 

When it arrived, my lasagne as you can see was just a tad burnt but I wasn't too fussed as long as it tasted nice. Some of the pasta was quite rubbery but I ate it all and it was okay. The chips were great, they were the best thing on my plate if I'm honest. I ate my food and I was fine. 

My Nana and Grandad ate everything but the meat as it was rubbery and we are not people that complain in restaurants, we tend to tell them that the food was great even if it wasn't but on this occasion we had to tell them about the meat. Another couple a few tables away had ordered a Sunday Roast with beef too and they also complained. They took beef off the menu that day and nobody else could have the beef. 

They asked us, if we would like complementary desserts to say sorry and we obviously didn't say no. My granddad didn't want a dessert so I just had it instead. My Nana ordered apple pie and I ordered chocolate fudge cake with cream which was incredible sickly but I kind of enjoyed it nevertheless. 

I was happy that they had given us complementary desserts but if they hadn't, I wouldn't have demanded one as to be honest it didn't matter to me as long as nobody else had to eat the beef.

Overall, I thought I waited to long for my meal but I cannot fault Brewers Fayre for their customer service as it was brilliant. So on a high note of this bit of a whine, I do think they have good customer service. I also know that this won't happen in all Brewers Fayre restaurants but on this particular one and on this particular day, it just wasn't great!

Have you ever had a bad restaurant experience?

Monday, 9 March 2015

Interviewing other bloggers and youtubers: Georgina (She Might Be Loved).

Hello everyone. So you may have seen my post earlier on this month talking about a new short series and this is it. If you didn't see the post then you can read it here. The reason behind this short series is that I wanted to interview a few of my favourite bloggers and youtubers and see what their answers would be to the questions I had thought of. I thought this would be a nice way to show you some of my favourite youtubers and bloggers too. I did email quite a few of them but some of them have never got back to me, so I will just be sharing those that got back to me.

She Might Be Loved, Georgina Grogan

Firstly I would like to say that this image is from Georgina's blog She Might Be Loved and is only being used for the sole purpose of this post. All credit goes to Georgina.

So now that I've had a good ramble on. Let's get started on the first person who kindly let me interview them; Georgina from the blog 'She Might Be Loved'. She is one of my favourite blogs to read and I love how honest she is about everything. She has a mixture of posts ranging from beauty and fashion and even lifestyle. So you definitely don't just get one thing.  She Might Be Loved is written by Georgina Grogan who is a Sheffield based Social Media Manager. On Georgina's blog she explains that she's grown up with a keen interest in painting her face and buying all things beauty. Georgina's first job was at Lush Cosmetics and while she was working there, she was also writing her fabulous blog. She Might Be Loved was launched in June 2013 and as I mentioned she writes about many topics. Her main focuses are Beauty and Plus Size Fashion. Recently Georgina's blog She Might Be Loved won 'Best Fashion Blog' at the Plus Size Awards 2014, which is a great achievement. Georgina also has a youtube channel which I will put a link at the end of this post along with all her other links.

Now that you know a little bit more about Georgina and her blog She Might Be Loved, let's see what her answers were to the questions asked.

1. What inspires you with your blog/Youtube?

With my blog everything inspires me, I just completely love writing and just being totally honest. I've always been into beauty and my clothes, so it's amazing that I can now share that and people actually want me to.

With Youtube it's really makeup that inspires me, I don't particularly enjoy making videos as I stress too much, but it's so much easier for makeup looks!

2. Did you have a goal in mind when starting your blog/youtube?

I wanted to originally keep a log of my sanity, which in a way I definitely have. I never set out or made goals for my blog, I still don't really. I am always grateful when I reach a milestone or an amazing opportunity comes my way, but it was never my goal to now do it full time.

3. If there is one tip you could give someone what would it be?

Write because you want to and feel like it, don't write and blog just for the sake of it, and definitely don't blog if you just want 'free things'.

4. The hardest thing about blogging/youtube?

For blogging I just enjoy writing and I don't consider anything to be hard or a task, right now with how many collaborations I am doing, the hardest part is fitting it all in. I just feel blessed to be working with so many people though.

For Youtube it is editing. An absolute nightmare as I just want it to be perfect, yet I'm winging it with my editing.

5. Most rewarding thing about blogging/youtube?

It has to be people seeing, sharing, commenting, and even thanking me for writing my blog. Whether it'll be that I've helped them pick a product, or even helped somebody's confidence, that is just the most amazing feeling.

6. One word to describe blogging/youtube?


I would like to thank Georgina for taking part and answering these questions for me and it also shares with you, what other bloggers and youtubers think.

I really recommend you popping by Georgina's blog, as she has fabulous content.

Georgina's links:

Thank you all for reading, I hope you have a lovely day! 

Saturday, 7 March 2015

One Line A Day: A Five - Year Memory Book - My New Project.

Hello everyone! I hope you are having a lovely March whatever you are doing! I am building up my revision time and trying to follow my revision timetable. I will hopefully be putting a post up about my revision timetable and some tips and things that help me revise! I know some of my readers may not be at school any more and may not need to revise but for those readers or people that would like some advice, that post will be for you! Now today's post is about my One Line A Day project and now it probably isn't a project to some people but for me it is. 

Basically on Instagram I saw this book on someone's page (I cannot remember who) and I was so intrigued by it. I had never had a memory book and certainly not one that I could write 5 years worth in it. Although I've never been interested until now. I mean I had a diary when I was little but who didn't and now I feel it's time to document the ongoings in my life and reflect upon them year by year and this book will help me do this. 

I was also intrigued not by the colour and the concept of this book but by the pages. When you look at the book pages from the outside they are golden and they look so amazing. It is such a beautiful book and it literally goes with most things. 

The reason why this book is my project is because I find it hard to remember to write in books and this will motivate me to do this and to write about something I have done in my day. 

The pages are quite plain but I like how simple it is. All you simply do is at the date which for this year it will be '2015' and you write in the top box. I've worked out that I will have this book till I am 21 which means I can document some really exciting things (hopefully) over the years. 

"This classic memory keeper is the perfect way to track the ups and downs of life, day by day. The 365 daily entries appear five times on each page. Allowing users to revisit previous thoughts and memories over five years as they return to each page to record the current day's events." 

I really love the concept of this book and I feel that if you just want to put positive things in it, you go for it. I intend to put mostly good memories that happens on that particular day but if something bad happens I will document it too.

So this post is quite a short one but I just thought I'd tell you a little project that I am doing for myself. I am really enjoying doing this and I started it on January 1st 2015. I actually got this as a Christmas present - so I was so happy!

You can now buy this on Amazon for £8.39 but it is usually £11.99 and if you are interested you can buy it here. 

Have you ever done a project like this? What are your favourite projects to do?

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Coming Soon to The Perks Of Meg in March...

Hello everyone. So welcome to another Coming Soon to The Perks Of Meg post. If you didn't see last months than you can read it here. The idea behind these posts is that you get an insight into what is to come on my blog and it means that you can see if there may be a post that takes your fancy. Now, as I mentioned before this post won't include everything that is to come up on my blog in the month but it has a few sneak peaks so that you can know when a certain post is going live. Under the following photos I will give a brief description about each post that is to come and when it will be going live on my blog. I hope you enjoy! 

'One Line A Day Project' - I asked for this book for Christmas and I did luckily get it for Christmas. I had seen this book floating about on Instagram and I was really intrigued by it. If you want to hear about the reason behind why I have got this book than you can find out when you read this post!

Post goes live - 7th March 2015.

'Nourish Review' - Now I've been using these Nourish products since September 2014 and now that I have a really good opinion on them I thought I'd share my thoughts.

Post goes live - 13th March 2015

'* Review - Introducing myelf to new brands' - Yes that's right I have another post for you this month. If you want to read my last one than you can here but in this post I will tell you all my thoughts about Clarins.

Post goes live - 25th March 2015

So that is a sneak preview of some of the posts that will be going live on my blog this March! 

Have a lovely evening! 

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Interviewing other bloggers and youtubers: a short series.

Hello everyone. Yes that's right, I'm bringing back an old selfie back from 2014 because my face is just not up to the standards of having a selfie taken at the moment. So I apologise for this. However today I wanted to kick off March with a new series on my blog and that is an 'interviewing other bloggers and youtubers' series but this series is going to be a short one that will last till the end of March. I basically sent round a few emails with a few questions for my favourite youtubers or bloggers to answer and only a few got back to me. So those few favourites of mine will be featured on my blog at some point this month and you will be able to find out what they answered when I asked them the questions I picked.

I basically thought this would be a nice way of sharing the blog/youtube love but you also get to know a little bit more about the person and their thoughts too!

I hope this post clears up my new series and if you have any questions do leave them below and I shall answer them!

Have a lovely evening!