Hello everyone. So it's the end of September and so I thought I'd share with you a few items I have finished this month. I haven't got as much to share with you as previous months but nevertheless I thought you'd be interested.
The first two items I finished this month were make up items. Can you believe this? These are the 2nd and 3rd make up items I've ever finished in my entire life! I know that most of you will think I'm joking but I'm not. I finished a Smashbox powder (which has also been discontinued) and that was the first thing I ever finished. I don't wear make up every day so I don't go through make up very quick but I'm trying to experiment more.
So the first item I finished was the Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer in 01 Fair. A lot of people rave about this concealer and to be honest I can't say I'm a big fan. I used it all up until I couldn't scrape anymore and it was definitely good for highlighting areas of my face but as 'concealing' goes I don't think it's the greatest product for doing that. I found that it didn't conceal my blemishes very well and it went cakey under my eyes. So I'm still on the hunt for a good drugstore concealer so if you could recommend me some in the comments I would be very appreciative. I would give this concealer a rating of 6/10. I don't think it's badly priced at £4.19 but it just looked cakey on my skin and that's a no no from me. I won't be repurchasing this product.
The second item I finished was my Mally everlasting mascara in black. I believe this was limited edition as part of a collection I got for Christmas and I'm really gutted about that because it is the best mascara I have ever used. My auntie bought me this make up as my Christmas present so I'm not sure how much it cost but I know you can't get it anymore. It separated my lashes perfectly and gave me such good volume and length. I used this mascara so much that it had properly dried up and I tried to get it runny again but there was hardly any product left. I absolutely adore this mascara and would give it a rating of 10./10 and if I could repurchase it, I definitely would repurchase it.
Then I finished another Radox Cool Air 24hr Anti-Perspirant Deodorant. I said this in my last post but I seem to go through deodorant so fast in the summer months because I'm using it 2-3 times a day. I really love this roll on but I've since went to repurchase it and it wasn't in store - I'm just hoping it hasn't been discontinued or they've definitely rebranded the packaging. I bought mine from my local Savers. It does the job that it's supposed to do and it was £0.89p and so it's really not expensive and if I can repurchase it, I definitely will. I'd give it a rating of 8/10.
Then I finished a travel size Impulse Sweet Smile which the Pear and Jasmine scent. It's a body fragrance. I got this as part of a set for Christmas so I'm not sure they'll be a link for it. It was very handy to have when out and about as it is very travel friendly. I wouldn't repurchase this though, simply because I have a lot of different body fragrances and I think there are better ones than this on the market. I'm not sure if you can purchase these sizes but I would give it a rating of 5/10.
Then I finished the Beauty Narcotix The Ultimate Fix Spray which is for your nails. I've reviewed this before, so I won't say too much about this but if you want to know what I thought of this product you can read about it here. I'd now rate it about a 7/10 but I wouldn't repurchase it.
So they are all my September Empties, I hope you've enjoyed this post.
What products have you finished this month?